Test Format for IELTS Speaking & Sample PDF

   IELTS speaking test duration: This test duration will be around 12-14 minutes, and the entire test will be recorded. 

Speaking Test Part 1 - Introduction and Interview

This test will last 4-5 minutes and will begin with you introducing yourself, followed by the examiner introducing himself/herself to you, so you both know each other's identities. The examiner will then ask you questions about school, family, friends, pets, favorites' places, and so on. This is to assess your ability to communicate thoughts and facts about common traits.

Part 1: Introduction and interview

Q. What is your full name?

Ans. My name is Lokesh Kumar.

Q. Can I see your ID, please?

Ans. Sure, here it is.

Q. Where are you from?

Ans. I'm from India/ It could be Punjab, Mumbai, Haryana Delhi etc.

Q. Do you work or study?

Ans. I work as a graphic designer for a marketing agency.

Q. What do you like to do in your free time?

Ans. I enjoy going for walks in the park, reading books, and watching movies.

Q. Do you prefer spending time alone or with friends?

Ans. To be honest, I like both, but I think it's important to have some alone time to recharge.

Q. Describe a place you have visited that you found interesting.

Ans. One of the most interesting places I've visited is "Old Delhi" in Delhi. It's a very vibrant and colorful place with a lot of history and culture.

Q. When did you visit this place and who did you go with?

Ans. I visited "Old Delhi" last year with my family members in the summer.

Q. What did you do there?

Ans. We explored the famous market and tourist attraction most. We visited the famous "Red Fort" , where there are street performers, food stalls, and snake charmers. We also visited some of the beautiful gardens and palaces near by. 

Q. What did you like most about this place?

Ans. I think what I liked most was the atmosphere and positive vibes because people way friendly and were helpful. It's such a lively and colorful city with a lot of energy. There's always something going on and there's so much to see and do.

Keep in mind that these are just examples, and your own answers should be based on your personal experiences and opinions.

Speaking Test Part 2 - Long Turn

The examiner will hand you a cue card in which a topic will be mentioned. You will then be given one minute to practise for the answer, as well as a pencil and paper to jot down the relevant facts. After 1 minute of preparation, you will be expected to talk for 2-3 minutes on the topic, followed by questions from the examiner. This section assesses your ability to communicate about a certain topic using suitable language and presenting your ideas logically. 

Speaking Test Part 3 - Discussion

The final section requires you to discuss with the examiner the topics covered in Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test in a more general and appropriate manner, as well as go in-depth on the topic. This section should take no more than 4-5 minutes to complete. This is to assess your ability to justify your opinions while also analysing and explaining the topics.

Scoring of IELTS Speaking

The IELTS Speaking test is graded using four criteria and is evaluated by certified examiners. All IELTS test examiners will have teaching experience, and they will be hired by test center and accredited by IDP IELTS. The four factors used to evaluate the speaking test are listed below.

Fluency and Coherence

This encompasses the ability to communicate in English with consistency and fluency. This criterion evaluates how connectors, phonology, and conjunctions are combined in sentences.

Lexical Resources

This criterion is based on the vocabulary chosen or the manner in which the statement is expressed. The types of words used and how adequately and appropriately they are utilized are the important indicators for this criterion.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

It determines if the exam taker uses grammar correctly and adequately. It also assesses the complexity and fluency with which they can handle spoken language at a stretch. The use of grammar and communication abilities are important markers in this.


This criterion examines your ability to pronounce difficult words while speaking. The examiner will look for a variety of phonetic qualities and whether your language is easy to grasp.

Download 30 IELTS Speaking Practice Cards
Download Makkar IELTS Speak 2023
Download IELTS speaking Vocabulary on various topics 

Speaking Samples

Describe a time someone or something made a lot of noise.

You should say:

  • when this happened
  • who this person was/what this thing was
  • what kinds of noise was
  • and explain what you did when you heard the noise

Sample Answer 

Living in a populous nation like India has its own pros and cons. In my surprise I found noise at almost every nook and corner. If I had to share one incident when somebody made a lot of noise, I would like to tell you about our family functions.

  • when this happened
  • who this person was/what this thing was

So, I belong to an authentic Punjabi background, and we are generally extremely fun loving. Last year, it was one of my cousins’ 15th birthday, and her parents decided to throw a party. During this party, the entire family got together. Additionally, some other family relatives were invited too. 

  • what kinds of noise was

Thus, the women formed a group and sat at a specific place. There were almost 20 of them. Together, they began talking and laughing loud. In the entire party, this was the loudest group.

  • and explain what you did when you heard the noise

While watching them ecstatic, there was a happy vibe; a few people even advised them to speak slowly. But the ladies didn’t pay any heed to the requests. And then, when the men of my family joined them, the scenario was entirely out of this world.

  • When this happened? 

I would like to talk about an occasion when the noise was intolerable, that it disturbed everyone and became a concern for all. Recently, I visited my friend’s wedding, where they had arranged a DJ to play songs.

  • Who this person was?

Apart from DJ, there were also a few members who were doing karaoke. There were few children who were playing and screaming which was very disturbing.

  • What kind of noise was? 

I tried to stop the children by warning them. Since they were deeply involved in the game, they didn’t heed my words. Not only this, but another friend of mine suggested the DJ to stop playing the songs as the karaoke was already being played. But to our surprise, he ignored us and increased the volume. So, we were left with no other choice but to bear the loud noise.

  • And explain what you did when you heard

The noise was deafening, and everyone in the venue was slowly feeling exhausted. Later, the bride’s father asked the karaoke members and the DJ to stop playing the songs as the wedding ceremony was about to begin. Everyone was relieved and started enjoying the wedding ceremony.


Here are the vocabularies for “describe a time someone or something made a lot of noise” with examples:

  • Concern: anxiety; or worry about
    Eg: Rose was concerned about her daughter.
  • Warning: Caution or advice 
    Eg: When Raj was found copying, the teacher gave him a warning. 
  • Pay heed: pay attention to. 
    Eg: The students didn’t heed the principal’s instructions. 
  • Deafening: so loud as to make it impossible to hear anything else. 
    Eg: The noise was so deafening that I couldn’t bear to hear it. 
  • Exhausted: very tired 
    Eg: She returned home exhausted.