Vocabulary list 

COVID-19, as we all know, has caused the deaths of millions worldwide and has been showcased in the news, on TV, and on social media time to time. This pandemic is still present in several countries, and the only way to protect ourselves is through prevention. Talking about it can be difficult for some people because it requires proper knowledge and word power to express the idea; thus, there is a list of vocabulary to learn in order to express the idea and specific vocabulary associated with the epidemic.

Nowadays you can’t open your phone without reading something about COVID-19, but how well do you understand and know how to use all the vocabulary associated with the pandemic? And why is it called a pandemic and not an outbreak?

COVID-19, as we all know, has caused the deaths of millions worldwide and has been showcased in the news, on TV, and on social media time to time. This pandemic is still present in several countries, and the only way to protect ourselves is through prevention. Talking about it can be difficult for some people because it requires proper knowledge and word power to express the idea; thus, there is a list of vocabulary to learn in order to express the idea and specific vocabulary associated with the epidemic.


SARS- A contagious and sometimes fatal respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus.

Outbreak - A sudden occurrence of something unwelcome, such as war or disease.  

Example : The festival ended a day early after an outbreak of violence involving hundreds of youths.

Epidemic - AN EPIDEMIC is a disease that affects a large number of people within a community, population, or region.

Example : "America's coronavirus epidemic hit blue states particularly hard at first, especially in the Northeast".

Pandemic - A PANDEMIC is an epidemic that's spread over multiple countries or continents.

Example : "The impact of the pandemic caused loved ones to be separated and unable to meet in person"

ENDEMIC  - ENDEMIC is something that belongs to a particular people or country

Example : "Areas where malaria is endemic"

Masks - A covering worn over the mouth and nose in order to reduce the transmission of infectious agents, or to prevent the inhalation of pollutants and other harmful substances.

Example : "he had been masked since morning just because of COVID-19"

Social distancing - Limit physical closeness and contact with other people, especially in order to avoid catching or transmitting an infectious disease.

Example : "she wore a mask and kept herself six feet apart from others in order to social distance"

Quarantine - Place (a person or animal) in quarantine in order to prevent the spread of an infectious disease.

Example : "I quarantine all new fish for one month"

Lock down - A state or period in which movement within or access to an area is restricted in the interests of public safety or health.

Example : ""the government announced a nationwide lockdown"

Shelter in place - Shelter in place means finding a safe location indoors and staying there until you are given an “all clear” or told to evacuate.

Example : "Some passengers had to shelter in place in stopped subway cars while the storm passed"

Asymptomatic - A person affected by a condition but producing or showing no symptoms of (illeness or diseas).

Example : "I have patients who are HIV-positive and asymptomatic"

Community spread - The spread of an infectious disease within a community, especially as a result of casual contact.

Example : "We expect we will see community spread in this country"

Contact tracing - The action or process of identifying individuals who have been in the proximity of a person diagnosed with an infectious disease, in order to isolate, test, or treat them.

Example : "All three are being investigated and contact tracing has begun"

Flatten the curve - Prevent a rate or quantity from greatly intensifying or increasing within a short time.

Example : "Taking actions to slow the spread of this virus will flatten the curve and protect the vulnerable"

Vulnerable - Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Example : "We were in a vulnerable position"

Pre-clinical stage - Research using animals to find out if a drug, procedure, or treatment is likely to be useful.

Example : "By 2016, the company had 11 drug candidates and more than 90 preclinical projects in the pipeline".