Vocabulary list of Fashion & Shopping

  • Clothes horse: someone who really likes to buy nice clothes
  • Well put together: describes someone who looks good and who has made effort to do so
  • Pick up: buy
  • Bargain price: a discounted price
  • Be up on the latest trends: to be informed of what is fashionable
  • Social media feed: the updated list of new content available on various social media platforms
  • In fashion: fashionable
  • Replicate: to copy
  • Looks: appearance
  • Lower priced: inexpensive, cheap
  • A fraction of the cost: a small part of the total cost
  • A (great) eye for something: able to notice or make correct judgments about something
  • Clothes rack: rail where clothes are hung for display
  • Shoe display: place where shoes are shown
  • Level of attention: the amount of attention someone pays to something
  • Luxury goods: things that are very expensive to buy but are not considered necessities
  • High-end designers: people who design products sold at very high prices
  • Out of my price range: describes something that is too expensive for someone to buy
  • Incomparable: cannot be compared because it is so good
  • Over the top: extreme, excessive, exaggerated
  • Avant garde: describes music, art, etc, that are unconventional or experimental
  • Ambience: the atmosphere of a location
  • Unparalleled: exceptional; in a category of its own because of its excellence
  • Customer service: the assistance given to customers of a product or service
  • Top-notch: high quality
  • Blow money on something: spend large amounts of money
  • Place pressure on: to try to influence or persuade
  • Stay current: to be up to date
  • Spoiled for choice: to have a lot of options available to you
  • High street: the main street where shops, banks and businesses are located.
  • Unfathomable: unimaginable
  • E-shops: stores that do business online
  • Click of a button: on a computer or device, something that requires very little effort
  • At your doorstep: at your home or near where you live
  • Superimposed: when something is placed over something else so that the image of both items is clear
  • Frame: the size and shape of someone's body
  • Digital imagery: the collection of pixels on a screen that create an image
  • Brick and mortar stores: a physical shop as opposed to an online shop
  • Counterparts: someone who does the same job as someone else somewhere else

Learn By Examples 

I need to pick up some new clothes at a bargain price, so I'll check out the lower priced options on the clothes rack.

My friend has a great eye for fashion and is always well put together, staying up on the latest trends with her social media feed.

Even though luxury goods from high-end designers are out of my price range, I can always replicate their looks for a fraction of the cost.

This clothes horse has an incomparable level of attention to detail and always manages to find me the perfect outfit.

The shoe display in this store is over the top, and I'm spoiled for choice with all the top-notch options.

I love shopping online because e-shops are just a click of a button away and deliver everything right to my doorstep.

The ambiance of this store is unparalleled, and the customer service is top-notch, making it my go-to place to blow money on something special.

I try to stay current with the latest trends by following influencers and designers on social media, but sometimes it can place pressure on me to keep up.

Even though brick and mortar stores still have their place, digital imagery and superimposed images on e-shops make it easier to see how items will look in person.

The high street is filled with counterparts of each other, but the clothes horse in this boutique has an avant-garde style that sets it apart.

I can't fathom the amount of options available on my social media feed, but it's nice to have so many choices at my fingertips.

This store sells luxury goods from high-end designers, but I prefer to shop at places where I can find similar items at a lower price.

I love finding a great bargain price for a piece that looks just like something that's in fashion and costs a fraction of the cost.

I'm not great at picking out outfits, so I always bring my friend with the great eye for fashion to help me choose.

My social media feed is filled with options, but sometimes it can be overwhelming to choose, and I end up spoiled for choice.

The superimposed images on this e-shop make it easy to see how items will look, and they deliver right to my doorstep, making shopping a breeze.