Friend and family

As we all know, most of the questions in the first part-1, students encounter are related to their family and friends. Part 1 of the speaking session is critical to comprehend since you will be asked about yourself, your family, your hometown, and, most likely, your friends. As a result, I'm going to provide you a list of vocabulary that will allow you to easily express your friends and family.

Vocabulary to talk about friendship and contacting old friends

Here are some vocabulary words and phrases related to friendship and contacting old friends, along with example sentences:

Friend : A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.
Example: I met my best friend in college and we've been inseparable ever since.

Acquaintance: A person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend.
Example: I recognized my old acquaintance from high school at the coffee shop, but we didn't have much to catch up on.

Buddy: A close friend, often used in a casual or informal context.
Example: My buddy and I used to go fishing together every weekend.

Pal: A close friend, often used in an affectionate way.
Example: Hey pal, it's great to see you again after all these years.

Mate: A friend, often used in British English.
Example: I'm meeting up with my old mates from university for a reunion next month.

Chum: A close friend, often used in a nostalgic or old-fashioned way.
Example: My chum and I used to have so much fun playing video games together.

Catch up: to update each other on what has happened in your lives since you last spoke.
Example: Let's get together for coffee and catch up on everything that's happened since we graduated.

Reconnect: to establish a connection with someone again after a period of time.
Example: I recently reconnected with my childhood friend on Facebook and it's been great to catch up with her.

Reminisce: to talk or think about past experiences, especially with friends.
Example: Whenever my old college friends and I get together, we spend hours reminiscing about our wild adventures.

Keep in touch: to maintain contact with someone, even if you're not in close proximity.
Example: I promised my best friend that we'd keep in touch after she moved to another state, and we've been video chatting every week.

Companionship - The state of being someone's friend or companion. 
Example "I enjoy the companionship of my old friend from college."

Bond - A strong connection or relationship between two people.
Example "We have a strong bond that has lasted for years."

Acquaintance - Someone you know, but who is not a close friend.
Example "He's just an acquaintance, I don't know him very well."

Loyalty - Faithfulness or devotion to a person or cause.
Example "Her loyalty to her friends is unwavering."

Trust - Confidence in the reliability and honesty of a person. 
Example "I trust my friend with all my secrets."

Confidant - A person with whom one shares a secret or private matter. 
Example "My best friend is also my confidant."

Reunite - To come together again after being separated. 
Example "We're planning to reunite with some old friends this weekend."

Reconnect - To establish a connection with someone after a period of time.
Example "I'm hoping to reconnect with my old roommate from college."

Catch up - To talk to someone and find out what has been happening in their life. 
Example "Let's get together and catch up on old times."

Nostalgia - A sentimental longing or affection for the past. 
Example "I have a lot of nostalgia for the summers I spent with my childhood friend."

Embrace - To hug someone warmly.
Example "We embraced each other when we saw each other after so many years."

Support - To give emotional or practical help to someone. 
Example "I always know I can count on my friend for support."

Encourage - To inspire and motivate someone.
Example "My friend encouraged me to take on a new challenge."

Dependable - Trustworthy and reliable. 
Example "My old friend has always been dependable."

Dependability - The quality of being trustworthy and reliable. 
Example "I value dependability in my friends."

Reliable - Consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.
Example  "My old friend is one of the most reliable people I know."

Genuine - Authentic and sincere. 
Example "My friend's smile is always genuine."

Authenticity - The quality of being genuine and true. 
Example "I appreciate the authenticity of my old friend."

Sincerity - The quality of being honest and genuine.
Example "I value sincerity in my friendships."

Openness - The quality of being willing to share one's thoughts and feelings. 
Example "My friend's openness makes me feel comfortable confiding in them."

Honesty - The quality of being truthful and straightforward.
Example "I value honesty in my friendships."

Transparency - The quality of being open and honest about one's actions and motives. 
Example "I appreciate the transparency of my friend."

Compassion - The ability to feel sympathy and concern for others. 
Example "My friend showed great compassion when I was going through a difficult time."

Empathy - The ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
Example  "My friend's empathy makes me feel understood."

Understanding - The ability to comprehend and appreciate someone's situation or feelings. 
Example "My friend's understanding of my situation was a great comfort to me."

Kindness - The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. 
Example "My friend's kindness is one of their most endearing qualities."

Generosity - The quality of being willing to give or share. 
Example "My friend's generosity knows no bounds."

Vocabulary to speak about family and friends

  1. A lifelong friend – A friend that you have had for most of your life
  2. A relationship of trust – A connection with another in which you have faith and confidence
  3. Arrange a dinner date – Plan to share an evening meal
  4. A shoulder to cry on – Someone to sympathize with you
  5. Close-knit family – A close family with common interests
  6. Dear to my heart – Someone that I care about
  7. Distant cousins – People who share a common ancestor but are not closely related
  8. Extend the hand of friendship – Reach out to someone in a friendly manner
  9. Extended family – Uncles, aunts and cousins form part of the extended family
  10. Face to face – In person
  11. Get to know one another – Learning different aspects of each other
  12. Get together – Meet up
  13. Immediate family – Spouse, parents, children, grandparents
  14. Long lost friend – A friend that you have lost contact with
  15. Long-term relationships – A committed relationship between partners
  16. Nurture our friendships – Looking after our relationships with friends
  17. Professional relationships – The relationships that we have in the workplace
  18. Relationship problems – Difficulties with people with whom we interact regularly
  19. Share a common background – The share a similar heritage or culture
  20. Share the same ideas – To have similar opinions and views
  21. Stand the test of time – To last a long time
  22. Struck up a friendship – To make friends
  23. To enjoy someone’s company – To enjoy spending time with someone
  24. To have a good working relationship – To work together well
  25. To have a lot in common – To have shared interests
  26. To hit it off – To like each other straight away
  27. To keep in touch with – To keep in contact
  28. To lose touch with – To lose contact

Vocabulary to talk about Toys

  1. Go back a bit:  Make you think of a time in the past 
  2. Goft toys:   Toys which look like animals made of cloth and filled with soft material 
  3. Stand out in the memory: Something important from your past you will always remember
  4. Wrap (something) up: Cover something like a gift in soft paper
  5. The look on (my) face: The expression on my face (of happiness or any other emotion)
  6. Give (something away): Show how you feel by your expression or behaviour
  7. Lash out on (something): Spend a lot of money on something 
  8. Spoil (someone):  To be too indulgent to a child 
  9. Set up: Organise, put something together
  10. A learning tool: An object (a game, a platform) that can help you learn something
  11. Educational toys: Toys designed for learning
  12. Stretch (your) imagination: Make you think about things in a new way
  13. Spend quality time: A very enjoyable time with someone, especially parents with children 
  14. Let someone win: Allow the other player to wine 
  15. Hand something down: Pass on things from one generation of the family to the next