Vocabulary of Environment and Pollution 

  • Outskirts of large towns: areas outside the city Centre, suburbs or industrial district
Example : I have seen many  factories nowadays are built on the outskirts of large towns 
  • Factory emissions: smoke and pollution from factories
Example : The biggest reason behind the air pollution is the "Factory Emissions and Toxic Fumes"
  • Toxic fumes: smoke which is poisonous
  • Pollutants in foods: dangerous chemicals
Example : It has been seen that, to earn a quick profit, some people are using pesticides and chemical fertilizers in farming, which eventually lead to pollutants in food.
  • Pesticides: chemicals to keep bugs and animals away from plants
  • Chemical fertilizers: chemicals added to make soil stronger
  • Commute to work: drive or travel to work every day
  • Reuse and recycle: use products again or find another purpose for them
  • Industrial waste is incinerated: waste which is burnt
Example : Many people believe that incinerating industrial waste is the best way to protect the environment, but this policy actually worsens the situation by contributing to air pollution.

Practice with your buddy or teacher 

  • Facilities for recycling: places where you can dispose of plastic / cardboard
  • Education programme: teaching and learning in school or elsewhere
  • Consequences: the outcomes
  • Interspersed with (birds): mingled with, mixed with
  • Campaign: high profile policy for the public
  • Scientists predict: ideas for the future
  • Disintegrate: break down into small particles
  • Microplastics: very tiny pieces
  • Single-use applications: use once then throw out
  • Own- brand products: unique to the shop or supermarket
  • Policy should be rolled out: implemented all over the country

Understand by paragraph 

The environment is a delicate balance of various natural elements and ecosystems that sustain life on earth. Unfortunately, human activities have caused a great deal of pollution, which is the release of harmful substances into the environment that damage its natural balance. Pollution comes in many forms, including air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, and soil pollution. It is caused by various sources, such as factories, vehicles, agriculture, and mining. Pollution has numerous negative effects on the environment, including harming wildlife, destroying ecosystems, and causing climate change.

Air pollution, for example, is caused by the release of toxic gases and particles into the air, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels. This can lead to respiratory problems, cardiovascular disease, and even premature death in humans, as well as harming animals and plants. Water pollution, on the other hand, can occur due to the discharge of toxic chemicals and waste into rivers, lakes, and oceans. This can harm aquatic life and make water sources unsafe for human consumption. Noise pollution, which is caused by excessive noise levels in urban areas as some outskirts of large towns, can cause stress, hearing loss, and even cardiovascular problems in humans.

Soil pollution occurs when chemicals and waste materials are dumped into the ground, making it unsafe for agriculture and killing off important microorganisms that are vital for soil health. This can lead to reduced crop yields, food shortages, and further environmental degradation. Climate change, caused by the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, is another major consequence of pollution. It has led to rising global temperatures, sea-level rise, and more frequent extreme weather events like hurricanes, droughts, and floods.

To combat pollution and protect the environment, individuals and governments need to take action. This can include reducing reliance on fossil fuels, promoting renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, implementing policies that limit emissions from factories and vehicles, and investing in sustainable agriculture practices. Recycling and reducing waste can also help to reduce pollution, as well as using public transportation or biking instead of driving cars.

The environment is a complex system that needs to be protected from pollution.  We all have a responsibility to take action to protect the environment and reduce pollution. By making small changes in our daily lives and supporting policies that promote sustainability, we can help to create a cleaner and healthier planet for ourselves and future generations.